The Opportunity: Booming market demand for coatings products was putting huge pressures on factory capacity. Significant improvement would provide greater market supply, secure customer relationships and long-term business success.
Client Success: 20%+ increase in productivity and a seven-figure saving, along with improvement in safety, quality and service level.
Implementing Change: When improvement efforts have historically never yielded sustained results, there is significant opportunity for people with the right mindset and determination.
In this type of environment, the plan needed to be 'rock solid.' After several less successful efforts in the past, the barriers to change had risen.
Led by an Executive Steering Group and a dedicated, resolute Project Leader, we helped the client to revolutionise the way they looked at and managed the performance of their operation. Every element of performance was rebuilt from the ground up, from labour utilisation and shift patterns, through to product formulations and scientific constraints.
Several members of the local team were identified as potential "rising stars" and have been fast-tracked to extra training and responsibility in recognition of outstanding delivery of results through the Denken facilitated teams.